Goods transit reaches 3.37m tons in three months

Goods transit reaches 3.37m tons in three months
The amount of goods transited to and from Iran via its 32 land and marine border terminals stood at 3.37 million tons during March 21-June 21, 2015, said an official of Iran Road Maintenance and Transportation Organization.


Mohammad-Javad Atrchian, the director general of RMTO's office for transit affairs and border terminals, added the figure indicates a 1.2-percent growth compared with that of the same period last year, which was 3.69 million tons, IRNA reported.

He added that oil byproducts and non-oil goods such as chemicals, cotton, foodstuff and home appliances constituted 1.73 million tons and 1.63 million tons of the total figure respectively.

"In this period, Parviz Khan terminal in Kermanshah province ranked first in goods transit to the country by handling 916,000 tons (27 percent of the total figure) of the products, followed by Bandar Abbas (20.6 percent), Bashmaq (17.3 percent) in Kordestan province and Bazargan (10 percent) in West Azarbaijan province.

This is while, the largest share of transits (41 percent) from the country pertained to Bandar-e Emam Khomeini which transported 1.37 million tons of products to other states. Bandar Abbas, Bazargan, Lotf-Abad and Sarakhs ranked second to fifth, accounting for 12 percent, 6.4 percent, 6.4 percent and 5.3 percent of the total figure respectively.

He put the total number of trucks transiting goods through Iran in the same duration at 150,000, adding 91,000 trucks (61 percent) belonged to Iran.

Atrchian stressed that due to its strategic and geo-political location, Iran has turned into a transit crossroad linking Asia to Europe.


Jul 12, 2015 08:42
Iran Daily |


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