Non-oil exports from Hormuzgan port up by 35%

Non-oil exports from Hormuzgan port up by 35%
Non-oil exports from Shahid Bahonar port in this Persian Gulf province rose by 35 percent in the first quarter of the current Iranian calendar year (started March 21, 2015) compared to the same period last year.

According to the local head of Ports and Marine Organization Mohammad Mohseni on Monday, a total 324,132 thousand tons of non-oil commodities were exported through the Shahid Bahonar port during the period.

He said the exported goods included items like chemicals, agricultural products, minerals, tar, fruits, protein products, iron and construction blocs which were sent to the Persian Gulf littoral countries as well as the Indian Ocean states.

Mohseni further said the amount of imports which mainly includes rice, dried fruits, construction items, cars, clothing, household appliances and road construction machinery dropped by 66 percent.

The amount of oil and non-oil commodities loaded and unloaded in the port were up by 11 percent during the period.

Jul 13, 2015 11:03


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