Iran ends US monopoly in production of strategic oil industry product

Iran ends US monopoly in production of strategic oil industry product
Achieving the technological know-how for producing the catalysts of Isopam units of refineries, Iran on Sunday ended the US monopoly in production of the strategic oil industry product.

Thus far the United States was the only country in the world that produces catalysts of Isopam units of refineries but now Iran has achieved the required technology for mass production of those sensitive and complicated catalysts as the second country in the world with this capability.

The production line for various types of catalysts, inclusive of precious metals needed in petrochemical and refinery industries was designed and pursued till mass production phase relying on the investments of the Iranian private sector.

Managing Director of Aspek Trading Company Abbas She'ri said that relying on indigenous technological knowledge and in coordination with the country's scientific and research centers, 25 types of catalysts inclusive of precious metals were produced which are used in country's petrochemical and refinery industries.

'Among them is the catalyst for production of Euro4 gasoline, which had thus far only produced by a few US and American companies.

The petrochemical industry official said that Aspec is ready for production of Euro5 and Euro6 catalysts, if it receives orders for their production.

Deputy Oil Minister and Managing Director of National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company (NIORDC) Ambbas Kazemi, too, said on the sidelines of his visit of the production line of those catalysts that after the termination of the nuclear sanctions Iran will be a main competitor of the US and EU top companies in oil industries.

Kazemi also highlighted Iran's stand as the 2nd country in the world to produce those sensitive and complicated catalysts.

He said that among the top markets for the catalysts is the neighboring country, Iraq, adding that support for the talented Iranian scientist and pioneering industrialists should continue in the post-sanctions era as well.

Jul 13, 2015 11:44


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