Italy to Host Iran's Trade Delegations

Italy to Host Iran's Trade Delegations
Italy is due to host two trade delegations from Iran in the next two months, an economic official said.

Iran will send two trade delegations to Italy by the next two months, Chairman of Iran-Italy Joint Chamber of Commerce Ahmad Pourfallah said.

He said Italy can have a good cooperation with Iran in supplying steel industry’s equipment, household appliances and leather products as well as weaving sector.

Earlier this month, Italians could persuade Iran to sign its first European memorandum of understanding (MoU) on trade transactions after the recent nuclear agreement between Tehran and the six world powers in Vienna on July 14.

Iran's first European trade MoU, after the Vienna deal with G5+1 Group, the US, Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany, was penned with Italy on the sidelines of a meeting between Iranian minister of Industry Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh and Italian minister for economic development Federica Guidi, in Tehran.

This MoU was signed between the Head of the Trade Development Organization of Iran Valiollah Afkhamirad and CEO of Italian Trade Agency, Roberto Luongo.

According to the contract, the two sides accepted to bolster trade ties and share their trade and commercial know-how via sending delegations to each other's countries.

An Italian delegation, headed by Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni and Guidi, visited Tehran earlier this month to hash out further expansion of mutual cooperation in various fields.

The Italian ministers were accompanied by a group of high-ranking directors of Italian state-run and private companies. They also met their Iranian counterparts,.

Iran and Italy have always played the role of a bridge in the relations between the East and the West and the two nations enjoy noteworthy potentials and capacities for the further development of their bilateral relations in scientific, cultural, economic, political and international fields.

Singing this MoU, Italy could successfully beat its European rivals, on top of them France and Germany, who have been trying to lure Iranians and guarantee their presence in Iran's lucrative domestic market after the Vienna deal.

Aug 15, 2015 10:08
Farsnews |


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