Iran constructs giant ship

Iran constructs giant ship
Head of Iran’s Marine Technology and Knowledge-Based Industries said Iran is able to build ships with a capacity of 300 thousand tons.

Noting government’s plans for building mega ships domestically, Mohammad Saeed Seif said that, “In the past few years a mega ship has been built by a shipbuilding company which shows that we are able to build large ships with a capacity of up to 300 thousand tons although gaining more experience in this field is required.”

Stating that the government is preparing a comprehensive plan for meeting the need inside the country, he added that “to have a definite plan for backing shipbuilding companies, in this program the government’s objectives to build a variety of vessels will be delineated.”

Pointing that currently we have the necessary hardware to build large ships, the head of Iran’s marine technology and Knowledge-Based industries mentioned that, “we have achieved this ability with the help of manufacturers in the maritime sector and our aims in this area will be fulfilled in the coming years.”

“Therefore, by having a 5-year integrated program, we can attract a large portion of the market and produce indigenous materials and equipment including equipment that is now being used in petrochemical plants and ships,” he continued, stressing the need to support indigenous industries of the field.

Aug 16, 2015 13:14
Mehrnews |


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